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Título: A categoria do sem-medida em Hegel e Marx
Título(s) alternativo(s): The category of measureless in Hegel and Marx
Palavras-chave: Sem medida
Data do documento: Out-2020
Editor: Universidade Federal do Ceará
Citação: ORSINI, F. A categoria do sem-medida em Hegel e Marx. Revista Dialectus, Fortaleza, n. 18, p. 166-188, out. 2020. Edição Especial. DOI:
Resumo: The aim of this article is to analyse the transformations undergone by the category of “measureless” (maßlos) in the transition from Hegel‟s Science of Logic towards Marx‟s Capital. The methodological premise of my inquiry is the idea that the explanation of the method of the Capital entails a comparative analysis with Hegel‟s idea of method. My essay has two parts. In the first part, I will show how the measureless emerges in the first chapters of the Capital. In the second part, I will reconstruct the category of measureless in Hegel‟s Doctrine of Being (1832). At the end, I will highlight three similarities and three differences between the two figures of measureless in Hegel and Marx. The similarities are: the use of a dialectical logic, the intertwinement between quality and quantity, and the principle of making explicit the subject-matter itself. The differences can be traced back to the difference between a presuppositionless logic (Hegel) and a peculiar logic of a peculiar object (Marx).
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