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dc.creatorHerbster, C. J. L.-
dc.creatorSilva, Luciano Pinheiro da-
dc.creatorMarcondes, Marcos Inácio-
dc.creatorGarcia, Iraídes Ferreira Furusho-
dc.creatorOliveira, Ronaldo Lopes-
dc.creatorCabral, Luciano da Silva-
dc.creatorSouza, Jocely Gomes de-
dc.creatorPereira, Elzania Sales-
dc.identifier.citationHERBSTER, C. J. L. et al. Weight adjustment equation for hair sheep raised in warm conditions. Animal, Cambridge, v. 14, n. 8, p. 1718-1723, Aug. 2020. DOI:
dc.description.abstractTo estimate the nutritional requirements of hair sheep, knowledge about the animal’s weight and its relationships with growth performances is essential. A study was carried with the objective to establish the relationships between BW, fasting BW (FBW), empty BW (EBW), average daily gain (ADG) and empty BW gain (EBWG) for hair sheep in growing and finishing phases in Brazilian conditions. Databases were obtained from 32 studies, for a total of 1145 observations; there were 3 sex classes (non-castrated male, castrated male and female) and 2 feeding systems (pasture and feedlot). The most representative breeds in the database were Santa Ines (n = 473), Morada Nova (n = 70) and Brazilian Somali (n = 47). The other animals in the database were crossbreeds (n = 555). The FBW (kg), EBW and EBWG (kg/day) were estimated according to linear regression. A random coefficient model was adopted, considering the study as a random effect and including the possibility of covariance between the slope and the intercept. The coefficients obtained from the linear regression of the FBW against the BW, EBW against the FBW and EBWG against the ADG did not differ between sex class (P > 0.05) and genotype (P > 0.05). The equations generated to estimate FBW from the BW, EBW from the FBW and EBWG from the ADG are as follows: FBW = −0.5470 (±0.2025) + 0.9313(±0.019) × BW, EBW = −1.4944 (±0.3639) + 0.8816 (±0.018) × FBW and EBWG = 0.906 (±0.019) × ADG, respectively. The low mean squared error values found in the cross-validation confirmed the reliability of these equations. Considering a sheep with a BW of 30 kg and a 100 g ADG, the estimated FBW, EBW and EBWG calculated using the generated equations are 27, 22.65 and 0.090 kg, respectively. In conclusion, the generated equations can be used in growing hair sheep. The validation procedure applied to the generated equations showed that its use for hair sheep seems to be appropriate.pt_BR
dc.publisherCambridge University Presspt_BR
dc.subjectSheep - Nutritionpt_BR
dc.subjectSheep - Growthpt_BR
dc.subjectlinear regressionpt_BR
dc.subjectOvelhas - Ganho de pesopt_BR
dc.subjectOvelhas - Crescimentopt_BR
dc.subjectRegressão linearpt_BR
dc.titleWeight adjustment equation for hair sheep raised in warm conditionspt_BR
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