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dc.creatorSilva, Marconi Souza-
dc.creatorMartins, Rogério Parentoni-
dc.creatorFerreira, Rodrigo Lopes-
dc.identifier.citationSILVA, M. S.; MARTINS, R. P.; FERREIRA, R. L. Cave lithology determining the structure of the invertebrate communities in the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. Biodiversity and Conservation, [S.l.], v. 20, p. 1713-1729, May 2011. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-011-0057-5.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractIn Brazil, only limestone caves and a few caves in sandstone, iron ore and granite rocks had their invertebrate communities evaluated. Being such, the present study aimed to promote a comparative analysis of the structure of the invertebrate communities in caves associated to carbonatic, magmatic, siliciclastic and ferruginous rocks of the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Significant differences in the relative richness, abundance and diversity were observed between lithologies. The average relative richness was higher in the ferruginous caves (0.53 spp). The total number of troglomorphic species was significantly different among caves and the highest average richness occurred at ferruginous caves (5.79 spp/cave). Siliciclastic, carbonatic and magmatic caves presented a higher quantitative similarity of the fauna. Ferruginous caves revealed communities with a fauna composition different from the other lithologies. The total richness of invertebrates correlated significantly and positively with the linear development in the siliciclastic caves (Rs = 0.67, P < 0.05), carbonatic (Rs = 0.71, P < 0.05) and ferruginous (Rs = 0.74, P < 0.05). The rock type in which the cave is inserted can determine differences in the richness of invertebrate troglophyles and troglobites. Therefore, on creating value attributes, the size of the caves should always come related to their lithology by the fact that same sized caves associated to different lithologies, possess communities with quite diverse structures.pt_BR
dc.sourceBiodiversity and Conservationpt_BR
dc.subjectAtlantic Forestpt_BR
dc.titleCave lithology determining the structure of the invertebrate communities in the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forestpt_BR
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