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dc.creatorLima, Marina A.-
dc.creatorPaciullo, Domingos S. C.-
dc.creatorMorenz, Mirton J. F.-
dc.creatorGomide, Carlos A. M.-
dc.creatorRodrigues, Renato A. R.-
dc.creatorChizzotti, Fernanda H. M.-
dc.identifier.citationLIMA, M. A. et al. Productivity and nutritive value of Brachiaria decumbens and performance of dairy heifers in a long‐term silvopastoral system. Grass and Forage Science, [S.l.], v. 74, n. 1, p. 160-170, Mar. 2019.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractSilvopastoral system (SPS) has been suggested to ensure sustainability in animal production systems in tropical ecosystems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive and nutritive value traits of Brachiaria decumbens and performance of dairy heifers in SPS and open pasture (OP) during the summer and autumn of two consecutive years in the SPS and OP (17th and 18th years after establishment). Experimental design was a randomized complete block with two treatments (SPS and OP) and three replications in subdivided plots with repeated measures in time. There was reduction in the tiller population density, total and green forage mass, and total and green forage bulk density in the SPS when compared to the OP in the summer. In the autumn, no difference was observed between the systems. Shading in SPS increased crude protein content of the grass pasture by 25% and 33% when compared to the OP during the first and second experimental years, respectively, and reduced neutral detergent fibre content. However, it did not change acid detergent fibre or lignin content. OP provided higher stocking rate and weight gain per area than the SPS. Average daily gain was higher in the OP in the second experimental year. Severe shading conditions should be avoided, because in the long‐term they may threaten the persistence and sustainability of pasture in the SPS. It is recommended to plant a low density of trees or implement management strategies of the tree component by either thinning or pruning over the years after planting.pt_BR
dc.sourceGrass and Forage Sciencept_BR
dc.subjectDairy heiferpt_BR
dc.subjectForage productionpt_BR
dc.subjectForage qualitypt_BR
dc.titleProductivity and nutritive value of Brachiaria decumbens and performance of dairy heifers in a long‐term silvopastoral systempt_BR
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