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dc.creatorLasmar Júnior, Eduardo Lúcio-
dc.creatorGandia, Rodrigo Marçal-
dc.creatorSugano, Joel Yutaka-
dc.creatorSouza, Thais Assis de-
dc.creatorRodriguez, Demostenes Zegarra-
dc.identifier.citationLASMAR JÚNIOR, E. L. et al. New business models and the sharing economy: impacts and challenges for the traditional automotive industry. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, [S. I.], v. 19, n. 3-4, p. 301-320, 2019.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe outstanding features of a vehicle do not include great modifications for nearly 100 years, as the same to the major car manufacturers' business models (BM). Recent service's platforms related to urban mobility use, mostly, the sharing economy, resulting in disruptive innovations. This offer to the users new experiences in services (e.g., Uber) which provides the vehicle's use without the onus of ownership. From this perspective, this paper qualitatively evaluates the modifications in the automakers BM's standards based on strategies and innovations of the new businesses of the main groups of automotive manufacturers. As a result, we observed that traditional products-based automakers are already moving towards to fit in the new BM, which are impacted by the sharing economy. Finally, we proposed a framework based on an unbundled model operating synergistically in three types (customer relationship management, product/service innovation and infrastructure management).pt_BR
dc.publisherInderscience Enterprises Ltd.pt_BR
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Automotive Technology and Managementpt_BR
dc.subjectBusiness modelpt_BR
dc.subjectSharing economypt_BR
dc.subjectDisruptive innovationpt_BR
dc.subjectMobility as a servicept_BR
dc.subjectModelos de negóciospt_BR
dc.subjectEconomia compartilhadapt_BR
dc.subjectIndústria automotiva tradicionalpt_BR
dc.titleNew business models and the sharing economy: impacts and challenges for the traditional automotive industrypt_BR
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DCC - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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