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Título: Germinação in vitro de grãos de pólen de Prunus persica (L.) Batsch vulgaris
Título(s) alternativo(s): In vitro germination of grains pollen of Prunus pérsica (L.) Batsch vulgaris
Palavras-chave: Palinologia
Cultura de tecidos
Meio de cultura
Tissue culture
Culture medium
Data do documento: Out-2009
Editor: Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)
Citação: CHAGAS, E. A. et al. Germinação in vitro de grãos de pólen de Prunus persica (L.) Batsch vulgaris. Bioscience Journal, Uberlândia, v. 25, n. 5, p. 8-14, Sept./Oct. 2009.
Resumo: The objective was to adjust a protocol for peach pollen grains in vitro germination. For that, were realized five experiments with the purpose of establish the ideal concentration of sucrose, agar, calcium nitrate, boric acid, the best pH value, the germination temperature and the polinic tube emission time. As vegetal material, was used the Aurora 1 and Douradão cultivars. For the Aurora 1 cultivar, higher germination of pollen grains was obtained with the use of 48,29 g.L-1 of sucrose, 10 g.L-1 of agar, 400 mg.L-1 of boric acid and pH 5,5. For the Douradão cultivar, higher germination was obtained on medium containing 90 g.L-1 of sucrose, 10 g.L-1 of agar, 400 mg.L-1 of boric acid, 369 mg.L-1 of calcium nitrate and pH 6,5. The best temperature for the germination of the pollen grains for both cultivars was 25º C, being the pollen grains germination percentage raising proportionally directly to the evaluation time.
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