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dc.creatorFreire, A. I.-
dc.creatorDias, K. O. G.-
dc.creatorOliveira, L. B. V.-
dc.creatorNalin, R. S.-
dc.creatorGuedes, F. L.-
dc.creatorSouza, J. C.-
dc.identifier.citationFREIRE, A. I. et al. Genetic control of the number of leaves above the ear in maize. Genetics and Molecular Research, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 1318-1323, 2015.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractIn this study, we examined the genetic control of the number of leaves above the first ear in maize. The F2 generations and the backcrosses were obtained from 2 contrasting lines for this trait. All generations were assessed in a completely randomized block design with 2 replications. The number of leaves above the ear was counted when the plants were in the tasseling stage at the level of plants per plot. Mean and variance components were estimated using the weighted least square method. We observed a predominance of non-additive effects in the genetic control of number of leaves above the ear. These results indicate that this trait shows high heritability. In this study, we examined the genetic control of the number of leaves above the first ear in maize. The F2 generations and the backcrosses were obtained from 2 contrasting lines for this trait. All generations were assessed in a completely randomized block design with 2 replications. The number of leaves above the ear was counted when the plants were in the tasseling stage at the level of plants per plot. Mean and variance components were estimated using the weighted least square method. We observed a predominance of non-additive effects in the genetic control of number of leaves above the ear. These results indicate that this trait shows high heritability.pt_BR
dc.publisherFundação de Pesquisas Científicas de Ribeirão Pretopt_BR
dc.sourceGenetics and Molecular Researchpt_BR
dc.subjectMaize - Number of leavespt_BR
dc.subjectMilho - Número de folhaspt_BR
dc.titleGenetic control of the number of leaves above the ear in maizept_BR
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