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dc.creatorZanella, Lisiane-
dc.creatorBorém, Rosângela Alves Tristão-
dc.creatorSouza, Carolina Gusmão-
dc.creatorAlves, Helena Maria Ramos-
dc.creatorBorém, Flávio Meira-
dc.identifier.citationZANELLA, L. et al. Atlantic forest fragmentation analysis and landscape restoration management scenarios. Natureza & Conservação, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 57-63, July 2012.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe goals of this research were to analyze the fragmentation of the Atlantic Forest and to create landscape management scenarios for the municipality of Carmo de Minas, MG, Brazil. We used landscape metrics to analyze the fragmentation process of the study area, which was historically exploited for agropastoral activities. Future scenarios were modeled to represent the potential restoration of the environment based on the behavior of the natural vegetation units. The natural vegetation in the study area is highly fragmented, and the environmental integrity of its remnants is severely threatened. The management scenarios showed how the restored natural units behave in the landscape as well as the isolation and connectivity between them.Using these models, future dynamics of the landscape can be predicted. Two important actions for the conservation of the remaining natural vegetation were identified: the maintenance of secondary forest and the restoration of permanent preservation areaspt_BR
dc.sourceNatureza & Conservaçãopt_BR
dc.subjectLandscape metricspt_BR
dc.subjectLandscape ecologypt_BR
dc.subjectManagement scenariospt_BR
dc.titleAtlantic forest fragmentation analysis and landscape restoration management scenariospt_BR
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DEG - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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