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dc.creatorBoldrin, Paulo Fernandes-
dc.creatorFaquin, Valdemar-
dc.creatorClemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio-
dc.creatorAndrade, Thais de-
dc.creatorGuilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães-
dc.identifier.citationBOLDRIN, P. F. et al. Genotypic variation and biofortification with selenium in brazilian wheat cultivars. Journal of Environmental Quality, [S.l.], v. 47, n. 6, p. 1371-1379, 2018.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractSelenium is essential to human and animal health, as it regulates glutathione peroxidase activity. Although not considered essential to plants, it may be beneficial to plant growth and development at low concentrations. This study evaluated the effect of selenate application on Se biofortification, macro- and micronutrient content, and the expression of genes involved in Se uptake and assimilation in 12 Brazilian wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. This nutrient-solution experiment was performed in a greenhouse and consisted of a complete 12 × 2 factorial randomized design, with 12 wheat cultivars in the absence or presence of Se in solution (13 μmol), with three replicates. The presence of Se in solution did not affect growth and yield of wheat cultivars. Selenium content and accumulation in the grain varied significantly among the different cultivars. The presence of Se affected macronutrient content more than micronutrient content, and selenate application increased S content in the shoots of eight cultivars and in the grains of five cultivars. Examination of gene expression did not allow identification of responses within the two groups of cultivars—with high or low Se contents—after selenate application. Our findings are relevant to the design of Se biofortification strategies for wheat in tropical and subtropical agroecosystems.pt_BR
dc.publisherAmerican Society of Agronomypt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of Environmental Qualitypt_BR
dc.titleGenotypic variation and biofortification with selenium in brazilian wheat cultivarspt_BR
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