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Título: Influência de populações, de épocas de semeadura e de corte na produtividade do sorgo sacarino BRS 506
Título(s) alternativo(s): Effects of plant population, sowing date and harvest time on productivity of saccharine sorghum BRS 506
Palavras-chave: Sorghum bicolor
Produção de etanol
Sorgo sacarino - Produtividade
Production of ethanol
Data do documento: 2016
Editor: Associação Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo
Citação: FIORINI, I. V. A. et al. Influência de populações, de épocas de semeadura e de corte na produtividade do sorgo sacarino BRS 506. Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo, Sete Lagoas, v. 15, n. 1, p. 94-104, 2016.
Resumo: Sweet sorghum is an excellent option under the agronomic and industrial points of view, presenting succulent stems with fermentable sugars and high green matter production. The objective of the present study was to evaluate saccharine sorghum regarding the industrial characteristics related to the production of ethanol and different periods of sowing in Lavras-MG region. Five experiments were done in intervals of 21 days, in the Centre for Technological and Scientific Development in Agriculture UFLA, Lavras-MG. A randomized blocks experimental design was used with five replications. The sweetness of juice of the variety BRS 506 was assessed in a Split-Plot design,, with two populations (100 and 130 thousands plants per hectares) and two different periods of cutting (20 and 40 DAF). At harvest the variables evaluated were: green matter, broth volume, total soluble solids (ºbrix) and tons of Brix per hectare (TBH). Sowing date, population and cutting season affected the yield of green matter, volume of broth and TBH. Sowing at 22 November, cutting at 20 DAF and population of 130,000 plants ha-1 caused increase in most characteristics.
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