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Título: Efeito de BAP sobre a proliferação de brotos in vitro de Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex Ducke (Paricá)
Título(s) alternativo(s): Effect of bap on proliferation of Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex Ducke (Parica) shoots, in vitro
Autor: Cordeiro, Iracema Maria Castro Coimbra
Lameira, Osmar Alves
Ohashi, Selma Toyoko
Rosal, Louise Ferreira
Palavras-chave: Paricá
Regulador de crescimento
Cultura de tecidos
Growth regulator
Tissue culture
Publicador: Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)
Data: 5-Out-2015
Referência: CORDEIRO, I. M. C. C. et al. Efeito de BAP sobre a proliferação de brotos in vitro de Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex Ducke (Paricá). CERNE, Lavras, v. 10, n. 1, p. 118-124, Jan./June 2004.
Resumo: O paricá, planta nativa das florestas tropicais, pertencente à família das caesalpinaceae, é uma espécie considerada com grande potencial devido à sua larga utilização. Com o objetivo de multiplicação da espécie in vitro, segmentos caulinares de plântulas estabelecidas in vitro foram excisados e inoculados em meio MS sólido suplementado com 0; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5 e 3,0 mg.L-1 de BAP, 3% de sacarose e 0,1% de PVP. As atividades foram realizadas no Laboratório de Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém (PA). As culturas foram mantidas sob fotoperíodo de 16 horas luz e 25+ 1°C de temperatura. Após três semanas realizou-se a avaliação com a contagem do número e comprimento de brotos por explante. O tratamento com 3 mg.L-1 BAP foi o que apresentou maior número de proliferação dos brotos, com 2,14 brotos por explante. Posteriormente, os brotos foram transferidos para o meio MS nas mesmas condições de cultivo para enraizamento.
Abstract: Parica is a native tropical forest plant pertaining to the ofcaesalpinaceae family. It is species considered of great potential, due its wide use. Aiming reproducing the species, in vitro, stem segments of plantlets established in vitro were excised and inoculated on solid MS supplemented with 0; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5 and 3,0 mg.L-1 of BAP with 3% of sucrose, 0,1% of PVP and one control. The activities had been carried out in the Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Biotechnology of the Embrapa Oriental, Amazon, and Belem (PA). The cultures had been under sun photo period for 16  hours 25+ 1°C of temperature. After three weeks of cultivation the explants were evaluated, counting  the number and length of  explants shoots. The treatment with 3 mg.L-1 BAP presented greater number of shoot proliferation with 2,14 for explants. The shoots were transferred to MS medium in the same conditions of culture for rooting. 
Parica is a native tropical forest plant pertaining to the ofcaesalpinaceae family. It is species considered of great potential, due its wide use. Aiming reproducing the species, in vitro, stem segments of plantlets established in vitro were excised and inoculated on solid MS supplemented with 0; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5 and 3,0 mg.L-1 of BAP with 3% of sucrose, 0,1% of PVP and one control. The activities had been carried out in the Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Biotechnology of the Embrapa Oriental, Amazon, and Belem (PA). The cultures had been under sun photo period for 16 hours 25+ 1°C of temperature. After three weeks of cultivation the explants were evaluated, counting the number and length of explants shoots. The treatment with 3 mg.L-1 BAP presented greater number of shoot proliferation with 2,14 for explants. The shoots were transferred to MS medium in the same conditions of culture for rooting.
Idioma: por
Aparece nas coleções:CERNE

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