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Título: Dinâmica das formas de fósforo em solos de textura e mineralogia contrastantes cultivados com arroz
Título(s) alternativo(s): Dynamics of phosphorus forms in soils with contrasting texture and mineralogy cultivated with rice
Palavras-chave: Fertilização fosfatada
Fertilização silicatada
Solos - Fertilização
Fracionamento de fósforo
Phosphate fertilization
Silicate fertilization
Soil - Fertilization
Phosphorus fractionation
Data do documento: 2011
Editor: Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Citação: TOKURA, A. M. et al. Dinâmica das formas de fósforo em solos de textura e mineralogia contrastantes cultivados com arroz. Acta Scientiarum: Agronomy, Maringá, v. 33, n. 1, p. 171-179, 2011.
Resumo: Two experiments were conducted with the objective of evaluating the influence of Si and P application upon organic and inorganic P forms in two soils solos: classificação da FAO e Soil Taxonomy (Orthic Quartzarenic Neosol - RQo- and Dystroferric Red Latosol - LVdf), having contrasting texture and mineralogy, before and after rice cultivation. The experimental was in a 4 x 3 factorial scheme, being four P doses and three Si doses. The phosphated fertilization altered the P labile forms, while in the case of low labile P forms the behaviour was dependent upon soil texture and mineralogy. The application of Si was shown to be promising to increase the availability of P for plants in rice.
Aparece nas coleções:DCS - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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