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dc.creatorNogueira, Douglas Willian-
dc.creatorMaluf, Wilson Roberto-
dc.creatorFigueira, Antonia dos Reis-
dc.creatorMaciel, Gabriel Mascarenhas-
dc.creatorGomes, Luiz Antonio Augusto-
dc.creatorBenavente, Cesar Augusto Ticona-
dc.identifier.citationNOGUEIRA, D. W. et al. Combining ability of summer-squash lines with different degrees of parthenocarpy and PRSV-W resistance. Genetics and Molecular Biology, Ribeirão Preto, v. 34, n. 4, p. 616-623, 2011.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe aim was to assess heterosis in a set of 16 summer-squash hybrids, and evaluate the combining capacity of the respective parental lines, which differed as to the degree of parthenocarpy and resistance to PRSV-W (Papaya Ringspot Virus-Watermelon strain). The hybrids were obtained using a partial diallel cross design (4 × 4). The lines of parental group I were 1 = ABX-037G-77-03-05-01-01-bulk, 2 = ABX-037G-77-03-05-03-10-bulk, 3 = ABX-037G-77-03-05-01-04-bulk and 4 = ABX-037G-77-03-05-05-01-bulk, and of group II, 1′ = ABX-037G-77-03-05-04-08-bulk, 2′ = ABX-037G-77-03-05-02-11-bulk, 3′ = Clarice and 4′ = Caserta. The 16 hybrids and eight parental lines were evaluated for PRSV-W resistance, parthenocarpic expression and yield in randomized complete-block designs, with three replications. Parthenocarpy and the resistance to PRSV-W were rated by means of a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 = non-parthenocarpic or high resistance to PRSV-W, and 5 = parthenocarpic or high susceptibility to PRSV-W. Both additive and non-additive gene effects were important in the expression of parthenocarpy and resistance to PRSV-W. Whereas estimates of heterosis in parthenocarpy usually tended towards a higher degree, resistance to PRSV-W was towards higher susceptibility. At least one F1 hybrid was identified with a satisfactory degree of parthenocarpy, resistance to PRSV-W and high fruit-yield.pt_BR
dc.publisherSociedade Brasileira de Genéticapt_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceGenetics and Molecular Biologypt_BR
dc.subjectCucurbita pepopt_BR
dc.subjectPRSV-W - Resistancept_BR
dc.subjectPapaya ringspot viruspt_BR
dc.titleCombining ability of summer-squash lines with different degrees of parthenocarpy and PRSV-W resistancept_BR
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