Browsing by Author Pio, R.

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Commercial and organic wastes-based growing media for Physalis seedlings growthPeche, P. M.; Botelho, L. P.; Carmo, D. L.; Balbi, R. V.; Souza, F. B. M.; Silva, C. A.; Pio, R.
2012Cryopreservation of peach and nectarine pollen grainsPio, R.; Pasqual, M.; Chagas, E. A.; Barbosa, W.; Chagas, P. C.; Tizato, L. H. G.; Bettiol Neto, J. E.; Neves, A. A.; Carvalho, A. S.; Scarpare Filho, J. A.
Nov-2021Dormancy breaking of ‘Kampai’ peach trees with alternative products in subtropical regionsViol, R. E.; Peche, P. M.; Farias, D. H.; Vilas Boas, L. V.; Curi, P. N.; Schiassi, M. C. E. V.; Pio, R.
10-Dec-2018Early thinning of peach fruit influences expression of cell growth and expansion genesReighard, G. L.; Maffit, W.; Feng, T.; Souza, F. B. M.; Saski, C.; Pio, R.; Gasic, K.
2016Molecular characterization and population structure study of cambuci: strategy for conservation and genetic improvementSantos, D. N.; Nunes, C. F.; Setotaw, T. A.; Pio, R.; Pasqual, M.; Cançado, G. M. A.
2012Phenological assessment of cultivars and selections of peach and nectarine trees with low exigency of chillingChagas, E. A.; Barbosa, W.; Pasqual, M.; Pio, R.; Chagas, P. C.; Tizato, L. H. G.; Bettiol Neto, J. E.; Neves, A. A.; Scarpare Filho, J. A.
2017Rooting of apical cuttings of fig trees with a lopping systemPeche, P. M.; Moura, P. H. A.; Curi, P. N.; Melo, E. T.; Figueiredo, A. L.; Zambon, C. R.; Coutinho, G.; Pio, R.