Navegando por Autor Castro, Tassia Flavia Dias

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30-Jan-2022Diets containing Arthrospira platensis increase growth, modulate lipid metabolism, and reduce oxidative stress in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) exposed to ammoniaCarneiro, William Franco; Castro, Tassia Flavia Dias; Reichel, Tharyn; Uzeda, Pedro Leite de Castro; Martínez-Palacios, Carlos Antônio; Murgas, Luis David Solis
15-Nov-2020Replacing fish meal by Chlorella sp. meal: Effects on zebrafish growth, reproductive performance, biochemical parameters and digestive enzymesCarneiro, William Franco; Castro, Tassia Flavia Dias; Orlando, Tamira Maria; Meurer, Fabio; Paula, Daniella Aparecida de Jesus; Virote, Barbara do Carmo Rodrigues; Vianna, André Rodrigues da Cunha Barreto; Murgas, Luis David Solis
3-Out-2022The toxicological effects of Eryngium foetidum extracts on zebrafish embryos and larvae depend on the type of extract, dose, and exposure timeCastro, Tassia Flavia Dias; Carneiro, William Franco; Reichel, Tharyn; Fabem, Sarah Lacerda; Machado, Mônica Rodrigues Ferreira; Souza, Krisnanda Kelly Castro de; Resende, Luciane Vilela; Murgas, Luis David Solis
3-Out-2022The toxicological effects of eryngium foetidum extracts on zebrafish embryos and larvae depend on the type of extract, dose, and exposure timeCastro, Tassia Flavia Dias; Carneiro, William Franco; Reichel, Tharyn; Fabem, Sarah Lacerda; Machado, Mônica Rodrigues Ferreira; Souza, Krisnanda Kelly Castro de; Resende, Luciane Vilela; Murgas, Luis David Solis